Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sam's new look!

So I brought S to work today to introduce her to my coworkers. I felt just like an elementary school student who has her parents eat lunch in the school cafeteria. Fun! I only wished I could take credit for her cool new hair, but she did the cut herself and all I did was the color. It's nice having others to make up so that I can give my own hair a little time to grow out.

I know I am supposed to be giving full accounts of all my dating adventures, but I haven't had a single date in WEEKS!! Thank goodness. It's been the most pleasant hiatus for me. I don't miss it at all. So I am in a total crisis mode about my weekend. I have not a single plan and my daughter and sister are both going out of town. Golf has a golf tournament at Bridgewater College and the ex has invited me to see his band play at Cornerstone. It's ever so much more tempting when I have nothing to do, but seeing as I have no one to accompany me, I am not too worried that I will succumb. I do not like going to bars. I really would be uncomfortable without a close friend. I suppose I will have to actually tackle my boring filing that I have been putting off for months. sigh. It'll be good to get more organized!!

1 comment:

Coleen said...

Cool hair Sam! I need to blog, but only have tidbits of things to say... you can only say MY JOB IS BORING so many ways. Glad to hear you prefer filing.... :)

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